Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Master´s Degree in Computer Science with Specialisation in...

When I look back at my life, I see the dots which got interconnected and carved a path leading to my interest to pursue Masters degree in Computer Science with specialisation in Computer Systems and Networks. I come from a small town, Rabkavi situated in Karnataka, India. Right through my school days mathematics was my favourite subject. I hit the bulls eye by securing an out of out score in my final year of School. I could solve problems of class 10th when I was in my 8th class. Besides Mathematics, Science was my other favourite. I scored 97/100 in science. The working of computers fascinated me no end and the networking of computers simply mesmerized me. This made me curious to understand these technologies in depth and to contribute†¦show more content†¦I worked on various device drivers and various protocols like I2C, SPI, CAN, TCP, UDP. We were also introduced to RTOS concepts and I ported Embedded Linux on the ARM9. I topped the course securing ‘A’ grade. Successful completion of this course fuelled my passion to gain more knowledge in protocols, operating systems and computer networks. As part of the College project group I worked with a private company GSR Technology to implement robotic arm with five degrees of freedom which could imitate motions of human hand. Our project group successfully implemented â€Å"Anthropomorphic Robotic Arm†. The project was rated the best in our batch. I studied Computer Communications and Networking subjects in my 7th semester and ignited experimenting with LAN and switches to network two computers and multiple computers. To pursue my interests in networking, I worked on various networking assignments in UG Diploma course during my vacations. After my Bachelors I had offers from a host of leading Indian and Multinational IT companies. However, I decided to join a start-up company Benison Technologies, which is service provider in the networking domain, to gain more exposure and hands on experience. At Benison Technologies, under the guidance of my manager, I have worked on various projects which involved L2, L3 protocols and also projects which involved micro coding for networkingShow MoreRelatedManagement Theory Practice16081 Words   |  65 Pagesmanagers by defining clear guidelines. 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