Saturday, December 14, 2019

Bullying In the Schools Free Essays

In the past, these actions could be better controlled because they were limited to face-to-face interactions. In recent years, this age-old conflict has matched the pace of technological evolutions; making it more dangerous and harder to contain. Cell phones, social media sites, chat rooms, and other forms of technology have allowed bullying to expand into cyberspace. We will write a custom essay sample on Bullying In the Schools or any similar topic only for you Order Now This new form of bullying is known as accessibility. The word â€Å"bully’ can be traced back as far as the sass’s (Hindu Patching, 2009). In its most basic form, bullying involves two people, a bully or intimidator and a victim. The bully abuses the victim through physical, verbal, or other means in order to gain a sense of superiority or power. These actions may be direct (I. E. Hitting, verbally assaulting face-to-face, etc. ) or indirect (I. E. Rumors, gossip). There is no clear cut reason why children become a bully, but some evidence shows that they tend to be involved in alcohol consumption and smoking, have poorer academic records than involved students, display a strong need for dominance, and show little empathy for their victims (Roberts Imports, 2000). Bullying may be means of increasing one’s own social status (Pipelining, 2001). A strong correlation appears to exist between bullying other students during the school years and experiencing legal or criminal troubles as adults (Pigskin, 2002). Bullying tends to peak in middle school because this is when kids start to physically develop and become more aware of their differences (Pomeranian Beer, 2013). Cliques begin to take shape and a social system develops that lays heavily on the desire of adolescents to fit in. Bullying usually occurs in the presence of peers, who can adopt a variety of roles, such as remaining neutral during a bullying incident, assisting and encouraging the bully, or aiding or consoling the victim (unfortunately the latter role is rarely adopted by children). The action of peers in the vicinity of bullying incidents typically support the bullying behavior rather than stop it (Sutton Smith, 1999). Most children do not want to intervene, being afraid they might be the next target Pigskin, 2002). The impact of being bullied can leave a devastating affect lasting into adulthood. Children and adolescents being bullied tend to have lower academic grades and low self-esteem. The extreme scones ounces are suicidal thoughts or thoughts of violent revenge. While grade school children tend to rely on parents and teachers for support, junior and high school children tend to leave them out and rely more of the support of their friends (Subtotals, 180). This makes it especially difficult to intervene, not knowing here is such an incident. Usually intervention comes too later when a child has decided to take his/her own life or take a weapon to school to prove they are a victim no more. Media attention has made this epidemic a national crisis. Parents and school officials are calling for law-makers to take action to deter or punish bullying. In order to control and prevent this in schools or in cyberspace, bullying should first be acknowledged as a significant and pervasive problem, and secondly school-based intervention programs need to be developed. How to cite Bullying In the Schools, Papers

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